Gubernatorial Candidate Randy Boyd Supports La Raza Chairman’s Nashville Organization

TEnnessee Star

In September 2016, gubernatorial candidate Randy Boyd and his wife Jenny donated a quarter of a million dollars to Conexion Americas, a non-profit Latino advocacy organization headquartered in Nashville founded by Renata Soto.

A letter signed by Soto described the “historic investment” as “the single largest individual gift” to her organization in its 14-year history. Boyd made the donation while he was serving as the Haslam-appointed Tennessee Commissioner of Economic and Community Development.  He resigned from his post as commissioner in January, and announced several days ago that he will run for governor in 2018.

The Tennessee Star asked the Boyd campaign to confirm the $250,000 donation, but received no response prior to publication deadline.

Soto and Boyd met when they were both enrolled in the 2013 inaugural class of Leadership Tennessee, a 10-month leadership education program hosted by Lipscomb University. The program was founded and is funded in part by The Haslam Foundation, Haslam family’s Flying Pilot J, the Hyde Family Foundation and the Cornerstone Foundation of Knoxville, whose board at one time included Haslam. Cathy Cate is the executive director of Leadership Tennessee.  Her husband Mark served as the governor’s chief of staff during Haslam’s first term.

The Boyds’ donation was celebrated on Leadership Tennessee’s facebook page:

“In 2013 Renata Soto and Randy Boyd joined the inaugural class. Now, three years later, because of connections made over the course of a year traveling the state, Randy and his wife Jenny have made a contribution to Conexion Americas that will be felt for many years. Congratulations all!”

The same month Boyd was gifting money to Soto’s organization, he founded and now chairs the board of Complete Tennessee, an education advocacy organization focused on increasing postsecondary graduation rates in the state. Soto serves as a board member of Complete Tennessee.

In 2015,  Soto was elected as chairman of the board of the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), an organization generously funded by George Soros. She had previously served as vice-president for three years.

NCLR lobbies for Hispanic racial preferences, bilingual education, mass immigration, and amnesty for illegal aliens. Their commentary and position statements characterize the U.S. as a nation with widespread white racism and discrimination. The organization has opposed most of the post 9/11 U.S. counter-terrorism efforts.

The NCLR pushed for passage of the federal “DREAM Act” and the “American Dream Act” that together, would have enabled states to provide in-state tuition for students who entered the U.S. illegally on their own or were brought here by an adult. The “DREAM Act” would have also allowed certain illegal immigrants to adjust their immigration status to legal permanent resident otherwise known as the “green card.”

Tennessee state legislators Sen. Todd Gardenhire and Rep. Mark White have reintroduced a bill that, if passed, will authorize college and university governing boards to decide which students are eligible to pay in-state tuition rates, including illegal immigrant students.

Soto’s Nashville-based organization Conexion Americas is a named NCLR affiliate. In December 2016, Soto became an “Indivisible” organizer as part of the campaign intended and designed to obstruct President Trump’s agenda for the nation including enforcing U.S. immigration laws.

Last year, state Democrat legislators Rep. John Ray Clemmons and Sen. Jeff Yarbro, introduced a joint resolution to honor Soto, which passed in the House but was pulled in the Senate before a vote could be taken, because some members were concerned about the NCLR and it’s position on illegal immigration.

During the 2016 presidential primary, Boyd was identified as an at-large delegate for Jeb Bush who supported an amnesty plan for illegal immigrants, explaining that even though the law is being violated, “[i]t’s an act of love. It’s an act of commitment to your family.”

Jed Bush and NCLR both supported the 2013 “Gang of Eight” amnesty bill, which failed.





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14 Thoughts to “Gubernatorial Candidate Randy Boyd Supports La Raza Chairman’s Nashville Organization”

  1. […] more telling was his widely reported donation to Conexion Americas, a group affiliated with the radical La Raza pro-open borders immigration group. The latter donation caused his critics to dub him as La Raza […]

  2. J. R. Sullivan

    Mr. Boyd,, exactly how do you expect TN voters to believe your TV ads when you have already donated a quarter million $ to Conexison, a group under La RAZA umbrella who promotes all kinds of Amnesty issues and large bennies to illegal residents? You sound hypocritical to those of us who expect folks to have sound values and sound judgement. If you changed your mind please explain. Or do you intend to be a politician who runs on Mr. Trumps coattails and then does exactly opposite. Hard to trust a man like you…

  3. […] entrepreneurs, including veterans who are entrepreneurs, but he raised eyebrows last year when he donated $250,000 to Conexión Américas, a Nashville nonprofit that promotes progressive immigration […]

  4. […] Americas, a Nashville Latino advocacy organization and recipient of a $250,000 donation from Randy and Jenny Boyd is also pushing for passage of the new DREAM Act. Renata Soto, the founder and director of […]

  5. […] candidate Randy Boyd is a mega donor to Conexion Americas, which received $250,000 from Randy and Jenny Boyd in 2016, and his education non-profit Complete Tennessee, which works in a reciprocal relationship with […]

  6. […] TEEC was established in March 2016. Complete Tennessee was established in September 2016, about the same time that Randy Boyd and his wife Jenny Boyd donated $250,000 to Conexion Americas. […]

  7. […] Friday, Conexion Americas, a Nashville Latino advocacy organization and recipient of a $250,000 donation from Randy and Jenny Boyd, is offering a popsicle to anyone who stops by and sends a postcard to Tennessee’s D.C. […]

  8. […] for the anti-Trump Indivisible campaign. In 2016, Boyd and his wife donated $250,000, “the single largest individual gift” to Soto’s Nashville organization. Dean is a Soto admirer and The Joe C. Davis […]

  9. […] days after announcing his candidacy for governor on March 6, 2017, The Star reported on Boyd’s $250,000 donation in 2016 to Conexion Americas, an affiliate partner of the National Council of La Raza (NC La […]

  10. Phil Dedrick

    Attention Tennesseans:
    This link provides the truth that Karl Dean and Randy Boyd who both are running for Tennessee Governor shows they both are members of New American Economy, (Leftist/Liberal/Progressive), group that supports illegal immigrants and sanctuary cities such as Nashville, TN…We must stop them, so please, pass this info on and vote for Mae Beavers for Tennessee Governor 2018…..

  11. […] One member of Class 1, Renata Soto, is chairman of the board of the National Council of La Raza, a George Soros connected group, and the Executive Director of Conexion Americas, a Nashville based group to which Boyd and his wife contributed approximately $250,000 in September 2016. […]

  12. Wolf Woman

    Randy Boyd, another “anointed” elitist rich rino who wants to buy the governor’s office. Well Randy, we the people are tired, sick to death of you and your ilk.

    Remember, big guy, legend in your own mind – remember when you lay down with $oros dogs, you get socialist fleas that carry disease.

  13. Eric

    He wont get my vote.
